CSA Script

Scripts that provide instructions for a TA to read to students during test administration are as follows:

The DFAs for the CAAs for ELA and mathematics and the embedded performance tasks for the CAA for Science, which include directions, can be downloaded from the password-protected TOMS.

TA Tasks Before Testing

Before administering a test session, the TA should verify that the following tasks have been completed:

  • Verify the security of the testing environment prior to beginning a test session. (Refer to the subsection Security of the Test Environment.)
    • Arrange student seats so that students cannot view each other’s answers.
    • Cover or take down all displayed instructional materials (e.g., vocabulary charts, etc.).
    • Post “TESTING—DO NOT DISTURB” signs outside of the testing room.
  • Ensure that students do not have access to digital, electronic, or manual devices (e.g., cell phones, smart watches) during testing unless it is an approved medical support. Hang “Unauthorized Electronic Devices May Not Be Used at Any Time During the Testing Session” signs where clearly visible to students in the testing environment as a test security reminder.
  • Make sure each testing device or workstation has headphones or a headset. For the CSA speaking domain, a headset with a microphone is recommended for better clarity of the voice capture but is not required.
  • Ensure the audio on each student device is not muted (often via a control panel or setting window).
  • Verify that students have access to and use of the additional required resources specific to each assessment and content area (e.g., scratch paper for all tests). Refer to the subsection Additional Required Resources for a complete list.
  • Verify that students who have been assigned the TTS embedded designated support or accommodation have a Spanish voice pack installed. Refer to the Text-to-Speech subsection of the CAASPP and ELPAC Accessibility Guide for voice pack configuration instructions.
  • Recommended: Launch secure browsers on all testing devices before students sit down to test.

To ensure that all students are tested under the same conditions, the TA should adhere strictly to the administration script for a particular assessment unless a student is assigned the non-embedded designated support for simplified test directions. The readable script can be found in the shaded boxes in the Directions for Administration topic for a particular assessment. When asked, the TA should answer questions raised by students but should never help the class or individual students with specific test items. No test items can be read to any student for any content area, unless the student is assigned a read-aloud non-embedded designated support or accommodation as listed in the California Assessment Accessibility Resources Matrix.

If the class is resuming a test and the TA is sure that all students are able to log on without hearing the logon directions again, the TA may skip the italicized portions of the directions.

All directions that a TA needs to read to students are indicated by the word “SAY” and are in boxes so they stand out from the regular text. They should be read exactly as they are written, using a natural tone and manner (except for students assigned the simplified test directions non-embedded designated support). If the TA makes a mistake in reading a direction, the TA should stop and say, “I made a mistake. Listen again.” Then the direction should be reread.

The TA should try to maintain a natural classroom atmosphere during the test administration.

Administer an Online Test Session

Each assessment is displayed in the Test Administrator Interface using a differently colored background, as follows:

Computer-based Assessments:

  • Green—all interim Assessments
  • Red—Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
  • Indigo—California Alternate Assessments (CAA)
  • Brown—California Science Test (CAST)
  • Mint—California Spanish Assessment (CSA)
  • Teal—Initial ELPAC
  • Blue—Summative ELPAC
  • Orange—Alternate ELPAC
  • Purple—Initial Alternate ELPAC

Online Practice and Training Tests:

  • Golden Yellow—all training tests
  • Pink—all practice tests

A test session must be created before students can log on to the secure student browser. For a student to take a specific test, the test must be included in the test session.

If a TA has mistakenly selected and administered the summative assessment when intending to administer an interim assessment or practice or training test, the TA should stop the test and notify the testing coordinator. The LEA CAASPP coordinator or CAASPP test site coordinator will need to report the incident using the CAASPP STAIRS/Appeals process. However, while all cases of accidental summative should be filed, not all cases will be eligible for a Reset Appeal.

Open the Test Administrator Interface and Approve Students for Testing

The TA must create a test session before students can log on to the Student Testing Site. For a student to take a specific test, it must be included in the test session.

This section contains information on how to start a test session, add tests to the session, verify students’ test settings, approve students for testing, and monitor their progress.

Beginning the CSA

Follow these instructions to administer the CSA unless a student is assigned the non-embedded designated support for Simplified Test Directions. The TA must create a test session before students can log on to the Student Testing System (but no more than 30 minutes prior or the system will time out). When a TA creates a test session, a unique session ID is randomly generated. This session ID must be provided to the students before they log on and should be written down.

The process for administering computer-based tests is as follows:

  1. The TA selects tests and starts a test session in the Test Administrator Interface.
  2. Students sign in and request approval for tests.
  3. The TA reviews students’ requests and approves them for testing.
  4. Students complete and submit their tests.
  5. The TA stops the test session and logs off.

For information about the testing process from a student’s perspective, refer to the subsections Signing In to the Student Testing Site and Features of the Student Testing Application.

  1. Test Administrator
    Navigate to the CAASPP website on a web browser.
  2. Test Administrator
    Select the [Test Administrator Interface for All Online Tests] button, as shown in figure 1.

    Test Administrator Interface for All Online Tests button.

    Figure 1. [Test Administrator Interface for All Online Tests] button

  3. Test Administrator
    Log on to the Test Administrator Interface using the TA’s sign-in credentials, as shown in figure 2.

    Logon screen that shows Email Address and Password fields and has a Secure Logon button.

    Figure 2. Test Administrator Interface Logon screen

  4. Test Administrator
    Once logged on to the Test Administrator Interface, the [Active Sessions] tab will appear. Select the [Join] button in the Action column (figure 3) to join a previously scheduled session, or select the [Start a New Session Now] button (figure 4) to start a new session.

    Join button in the Test Administrator Interface.

    Figure 3. [Join] button in the Test Administrator Interface

  5. Test Administrator
    Select the [Start a New Session Now] button (figure 4); this appears on the right side of the screen.

    Start a New Session Now button

    Figure 4. [Start a New Session Now] button

  6. Test Administrator
    If the TA is associated with multiple schools, an “Important!” message appears after selecting the [Start a New Session Now] button. The TA must select the appropriate school from the Select your School/District drop-down list in this message and select the [Go] button, as shown in figure 5. The TA may only select one school or district at a time. Students who have the session ID and are enrolled in a different school than the one the TA selected will also be able to test in the same test session as students in other schools, if the TA has roles in multiple schools. To select a different school or district, the TA must log off and then log back on. Regardless of their test site, students who are testing in person should be supervised at all times.

    Important! message box that reads, 'Please choose the institution for which you will be administering this test session' and Go button indicated.

    Figure 5. Important! message from the Test Administrator Interface

  7. Test Administrator
    The Operational Test Selection screen, as shown in figure 6, color-codes tests and groups them into various categories. A test group, such as “California Spanish Assessments (CSA),” may include one or more subgroups. All test groups and subgroups appear collapsed by default.

    Operational Test Selection screen listing all CAASPP and ELPAC operational and interim assessments.

    Figure 6. Operational Test Selection screen

  8. Test Administrator
    To select a test or tests for the session, first select the test name and then mark the checkbox for each test to be included in the session, as indicated in figure 7:

    Operational Test Selection screen with the list of available grade-level CSA expanded with marked checkboxes and Start Operational Session button indicated.

    Figure 7. Selected tests in the Operational Test Selection screen

  9. Test Administrator
    Either use the filtering feature to open specific grade-level or content-area assessments; or, to start the test, select the [Start Operational Session] button (indicated in figure 7). These features are indicated in figure 8. Take the following steps to use the filtering feature:

    1. Select the [Add Filter] button [Add Filter button with three horizontal lines.] to access the filter panel.
    2. Expand the available filter categories by selecting a [Plus] plus-sign [Plus sign icon] icon.

      Filtering option in the Test Administrator Interface with grades seven and eight indicated as Filter By; the plus-sign icon indicated for Subject; and the Apply Filters button indicated.

      Figure 8. Sample Operational Test Selection screen with filtering option

    3. Select the criteria to filter.
    4. Select the [Apply Filter(s)] button [Apply Filter(s) button.] (indicated in figure 8).
    5. Remove the filter by selecting the [Remove Filter] “X” icon [Remove filter X icon.] (indicated in figure 8).
    6. Select the [Start Operational Session] button to start the test (indicated in figure 9).

    Filtering option in the Test Administrator Interface with grades seven and eight filtering options selected and the Start Operational Session button indicated.

    Figure 9. Sample Operational Test Selection screen with filtering applied

  10. Test Administrator
    Inform students of the test session ID. The session ID is automatically generated upon selecting [Start Operational Session]. Write the session ID in a place where all students can clearly refer to it during group administrations. The current session ID also appears on the Test Administrator Interface screen saver when the screen saver is active. A sample of a session ID is shown in figure 10.

    Top of the Test Administrator Interface with the Operational Session ID indicated.

    Figure 10. Sample session ID on the Test Administrator Interface

  11. Test Administrator
    Read the following SAY statement aloud.


    H oy tomarán la prueba de California en español para el grado [mencionar nivel o banda]. Yo les daré el número de identificación de la sesión que se requiere para iniciar la prueba. Antes de iniciar la prueba, revisaremos algunas reglas que hay que seguir.

    Deben responder a cada pregunta en la pantalla antes de seleccionar [SIGUIENTE]. Si no están seguros de la respuesta, contesten lo que piensen que es la mejor respuesta. Si desean revisar la respuesta más adelante, marquen la pregunta para revisarla antes de pasar a la siguiente sección. Podrán regresar y cambiar la respuesta durante esta parte de la prueba.

    Do not read the “DO NOT READ ALOUD; FOR REFERENCE ONLY” statements in English aloud; these are for the TA’s reference only.


    Today you will take the California Spanish Assessment for grade [state the level or band]. I will give you the session identification number that is required to start the test. Before starting the test, we will review some rules that must be followed.

    You must answer each question on the screen before selecting [SIGUIENTE]. If you are not sure of the answer, give what you think is the best answer. If you want to review the answer later, please mark the question for review before moving on to the next section. You will be able to go back and change the answer during this part of the test.

  12. Test Administrator
    Read the following SAY statement and all subsequent SAY statements aloud to everyone.


    Podrán hacer una pausa en cualquier punto de la prueba seleccionando [PAUSA] en lugar de [SIGUIENTE] después de contestar una pregunta. Levanten la mano si necesitan hacer una pausa en la prueba y pidan permiso antes de seleccionar [PAUSA].

    Por favor, tengan en cuenta que esta prueba está dividida en tres segmentos. Cuando lleguen al final de un segmento, se les pedirá que revisen sus respuestas antes de continuar. Cuando terminen con sus respuestas y pasen al segmento siguiente, no podrán regresar a ninguna de las preguntas del segmento anterior.

    Sus respuestas deben ser su propio trabajo. Por favor, mantengan los ojos en su prueba y recuerden, no deben hablar con otros durante la prueba. Si tienen un teléfono celular, smartwatch u otro dispositivo electrónico, deben guardarlo y mantenerlo apagado.

    Si terminan la prueba antes del tiempo indicado, por favor permanezcan sentados en silencio.


    You may pause the test at any point by selecting [PAUSA] instead of [SIGUIENTE] after answering a question. Please raise your hand if you need to pause the test and ask for permission before selecting [PAUSA].

    Please note that this test is divided into three segments. When you reach the end of each segment, you will be asked to review your answers before continuing. Once you are done with your answers and move on to the next segment, you will not be able to return to any of the questions in the previous segment.

    Your answers must be your own work. Please keep your eyes on your own test and remember, you are not to talk to others during the test. If you have a cell phone, smartwatch, or other nonapproved electronic devices, you should put it away and keep it turned off.

    If you finish the test before the indicated time, please sit quietly.

  13. Test Administrator
    Logon tickets may be provided to each student. The logon tickets should provide the students’ SSID. Note that logon tickets are secure testing materials and should be securely destroyed after testing.
  14. Student
    Log on to the Student Testing Site through the secure browser.

  15. Test Administrator
    Direct students to sign in using the Student Sign-In screen. It is not necessary to read any italicized, asterisked sentences to students testing over multiple days who have already heard these instructions at least once.


    Esta próxima sección la completaremos todos juntos paso por paso.

    Ya estamos listos para iniciar la sesión. Cuando hayan empezado la sesión, tendrán que esperar hasta que yo inicie la prueba antes de comenzar. Estaré comprobando que hayan introducido correctamente la identificación de la sesión de prueba y el resto de la información.

    Incluyan su primer nombre completo, su número de estudiante SSID, como está escrito en su boleto de inicio de sesión. A continuación, introduzcan la identificación para la sesión. *Levanten la mano si necesitan ayuda para teclear esta información.


    Ahora seleccionen [SIGN IN]. Cuando se haya iniciado la sesión correctamente, verán una pantalla con su nombre y más información personal. Si toda la información en la pantalla está correcta, seleccionen [YES] para continuar. Si la información está incorrecta, levanten la mano y muéstrenme lo que está incorrecto.


    We will complete this next section together step by step.

    We are now ready to start the session. When you have started the session, you will have to wait until I start the test before you can start. I’ll be checking that you entered the test session ID and other information correctly.

    Enter your first name and your SSID number, as listed on your logon ticket. Next, enter the ID for the session. *Raise your hand if you need help typing this information on the keyboard.

    Now select [SIGN IN]. When you have successfully logged on, you will see a screen with your name and more personal information. If all the information on the screen is correct, select [YES] to continue. If the information is wrong, please raise your hand and show me what is wrong.

  16. Student
    Sign in using the Student Sign-In screen, as shown in figure 11.

    Student Sign In screen, which includes fields for the student's first name, SSID, and the test session ID.

    Figure 11. Student Sign In screen

  17. Test Administrator
    Ensure that all students have successfully entered their information. If a student is unable to log on, the student will be prompted to try again and provided with a message describing the reason. If the student is still having difficulty, the student should indicate to the TA what is incorrect; a TA may assist students with logging on, if necessary. The TA can look up the correct information using the Student Lookup function on the TA Interface or in TOMS. If the issue cannot be resolved, the TA should tell the student to select [NO] to end the logon process and then contact the CAASPP test site coordinator to determine the next steps.
  18. Student
    Verify identity by selecting [No] or [Yes], as shown in figure 12.

    Is This You? screen in the student interface, followed by sample student information.

    Figure 12. Is This You? screen

  19. Test Administrator
    Inform students of the test type in which they are participating today.


    En la siguiente pantalla, seleccionen CSA [mencionar grado]. Cuando hayan seleccionado su prueba, verán una pantalla con una barra en movimiento y un mensaje diciendo que están esperando la aprobación del administrador de la prueba. Por favor esperen en silencio mientras compruebo y apruebo cada una de sus pruebas.


    On the next screen, select CSA [mention grade] Spanish Test. When you have selected your test, you will see a screen with a moving bar and a message saying you are waiting for approval from the test administrator. Please wait quietly while I check and approve each of your tests.

  20. Student
    Select the test to take, as shown in figure 13.

    Your Tests screen from which a student selects a test.

    Figure 13. Your Tests selection screen

  21. Student
    Wait for the TA’s approval, as displayed in figure 14.

    Waiting for Approval screen on the student testing interface.

    Figure 14. Waiting for Approval screen

  22. Test Administrator
    Approve students to test by selecting the [Approve] check mark [‍Check mark icon.] icon in the Actions column for individual students or the [Approve All Students] button, as indicated in figure 15. Select the [View] eye [View icon, represented by an eye] icon, also in figure 15, to view and adjust the student’s settings (universal tools) for the current test opportunity. (For example, if the student had been assigned the designated support to turn off any universal tool(s), the TA can toggle the universal tools on and off.) “Custom” in the See Details column indicates the student has been assigned test settings. Refer to the Types of Resources subsection of the CAASPP and ELPAC Accessibility Guide for the accessibility resources—both embedded and non-embedded—that are available for the CAASPP.

    If a student’s test settings are incorrect, deny the student; the TA should contact the LEA CAASPP coordinator or CAASPP test site coordinator to correct the test settings in TOMS and test the student on another day. Ensuring the test settings are correct before the student begins testing is critical to avoid the need for a test reset that may result in additional testing for the student later.

    The TA should also ensure that students selected the correct assessment; students who are awaiting approval for an incorrect assessment should be denied approval. These students should log on again and select the correct test. It is very important that the TA pays close attention to the test name prior to approval to be sure it is the correct test to be administered at that time.

    Approvals and Student Test Settings screen with Approve All Students button indicated.

    Figure 15. Approvals and Student Test Settings screen

  23. Test Administrator
    Navigate students taking the speaking domain through the recording playback check.


    Completaremos la verificación de reproducción de la grabación juntos. Debería ver una pantalla que le solicita que verifique que su dispositivo de grabación esté funcionando. Ponte los auriculares y selecciona el icono del micrófono para grabar tu voz. Luego, seleccione el botón triangular [REPRODUCIR] para escuchar su grabación. Si escucha su voz, seleccione [ESCUCHÉ]. Si no, levante la mano.


    We will complete the recording playback check together. You should see a screen that prompts you to check that your recording device is working. Put your headsets on and select the icon of the microphone to record your voice. Then, select the triangular [REPRODUCIR] button to listen to your recording. If you hear your voice, select [ESCUCHÉ]. If not, raise your hand.

  24. Test Administrator
    Have students run the sound check.


    A continuación, verán una pantalla que les pedirá que comprueben que el sonido y el video en sus computadoras están funcionando. Colóquense los auriculares y seleccionen el botón triangular [TOCAR AUDIO]. Si oyen la música y ven las notas musicales moviéndose, seleccionen el botón [SÍ, logre tocar el video y su audio]. Si algo está incorrecto, levanten la mano.


    Si todo está correcto, seleccione el botón [CONTINUAR].


    You will then see a screen asking you to verify that the sound and video on your computers are working. Put on the headphones and select the triangular [TOCAR AUDIO] button. If you hear the music and see the musical notes moving, select the [Yes, I was able to play the video and its sound] button. If something is wrong, raise your hand.

    If everything is correct, select [CONTINUAR].

  25. Student
    Complete the recording and audio and video checks with headphones on the Sound and Video Playback Check Screen shown in figure 16.

    Sound and recording playback check screen.

    Figure 16. Sound and Video Playback Check screen

  26. Test Administrator
    If audio or voice capture issues occur, do the following:

    1. Ensure headphones are securely plugged in to the correct jack or USB port.
    2. If the headphones have a volume control, ensure the volume is not muted.
    3. Ensure that the audio on the device is not muted (often via a control panel or settings window).

    If the student is still experiencing issues, contact the CAASPP test site coordinator or school technology coordinator.

  27. Test Administrator
    Tell students how to take the test.


    Antes de que aparezca la prueba en la pantalla, podrán ver una página de tutorial que les permitirá ver las herramientas de la prueba y los botones que se pueden utilizar durante la prueba o que aparecerán en la prueba. Si seleccionan el botón [VER LA GUÍA DE AYUDA] ahora mismo, podrán ver la página del tutorial. También pueden encontrar esta información durante la prueba seleccionando el botón de ayuda [?] en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla.

    Si quieren ver sus configuraciones ahora mismo, seleccionen el botón [VER CONFIGURANCIONES].

    Cuando estén listos para comenzar su prueba, seleccionen [COMENZAR LA PRUEBA AHORA] en la parte inferior de la pantalla.


    Before the test appears on the screen, you will be able to see a tutorial page that allows you to view the test’s tools and the buttons you can use during the test or that appear on the test. If you select the [VER LA GUÍA DE AYUDA] button at this time, you will be able to view the tutorial page. You can also find this information during the test by selecting the help [?] button on the top right corner of the screen.

    If you want to view your test settings at this time, select the [VER CONFIGURACIONES] button.

    When you are ready to begin the test, select [COMENZAR LA PRUEBA AHORA] at the bottom of the screen.

  28. Student
    Select [Comenzar la prueba ahora], as shown in figure 17, to begin testing.

    Review Test Settings screen with the Comenzar la prueba ahora button indicated.

    Figure 17. Instrucciones y ayuda screen

  29. Test Administrator
    Navigate students through the three survey questions. If students are unsure of the response that they need to enter, help them provide the correct answer. Do not let any student move ahead when going through the survey questions. Make sure all students are on the same survey question, and that they are providing the appropriate response. The SAY text for the survey questions that follow is provided in both English and Spanish and may be read in either language.


    Esta es la primera sección de la prueba. Hay tres preguntas de una encuesta que deberán contestar con mi ayuda. Estas preguntas son muy importantes. Una vez que hayan contestado las tres preguntas, podrán continuar con la prueba.

    La pregunta número uno dice: «¿Recibiste educación en español durante el presente año escolar?» Si no saben qué respuesta elegir, por favor levanten la mano y les ayudaré con la respuesta.

    Ahora estamos todos en la pregunta número dos. La pregunta dos dice: «¿En qué tipo de programa escolar estuviste matriculado/inscrito?» Si no saben qué respuesta elegir, por favor levanten la mano y les ayudaré con la respuesta.

    Ahora estamos todos en la pregunta número tres de la encuesta. La pregunta tres dice: «¿Qué porcentaje de tu educación diaria recibiste en español?» Si no saben qué respuesta elegir, por favor levanten la mano y les ayudaré con la respuesta.

    Ahora que hemos completado la encuesta, pueden continuar con la prueba. Acuerdense, cuando están grabando su respuesta, asegúrense de responder en español.


    This is the first segment of the test. There are three survey questions you will need to answer with my guidance. These questions are very important. Once we are done with question three of the survey, you may continue testing.

    Question one asks, “Did you receive instruction in Spanish in the current school year?” If you do not know which answer to select, please raise your hand and I will help you with the answer.

    Now we are all on question two. Question two asks, “Which program were you enrolled in?” If you do not know which answer to select, please raise your hand and I will help you with the answer.

    We are now on question three of the survey. The question asks, “What percentage of your school day instruction was provided in Spanish?” If you do not know which answer to select, please raise your hand and I will help you with the answer.

    Now that we have completed the survey, you may proceed with the test. Remember, when you are recording your answer, be sure to respond in Spanish.

  30. Test Administrator
    Continue with the instructions in the next subsections, Monitoring Student Progress and Ending a Test Session.
  31. Read the following SAY statement aloud.


    Esta prueba incluye preguntas para las cuales grabarán sus respuestas. El segundo segmento evaluará la comprensión auditiva y la expresión oral en español. Escucharán pasajes durante los cuales podrán tomar notas en una hoja de papel que les proporcioné. Pueden volver a escuchar los pasajes varias veces según las veces que necesiten. Pueden utilizar sus notas cuando responden a las preguntas y graben sus respuestas. Asegúrense de usar un volumen de voz apropiado cuando graben sus respuestas. Si hablan en voz baja, es posible que el sistema no grabará sus respuestas. Si desean escuchar sus repuestas o volver a grabar sus respuestas, pueden hacerlo hasta que estén satisfechos con sus respuestas.

    El tercer segmento evaluará la lectura y escritura en español. Leerán pasajes, responderán a preguntas y escribirán sus respuestas en el sistema utilizando las herramientas integradas.


    This test includes questions for which you will record your answers. The second segment will test listening and speaking in Spanish. You will listen to passages during which you can take notes on a sheet of paper that I provided to you. You may replay the listening passages as often as you need. You can use your notes when you are responding to the questions and recording your responses. Be sure to speak in a normal voice when recording your responses. If you speak quietly, the system may not record your responses. If you want to listen to your answers or rerecord your answers, you can do so until you are satisfied with your responses.

    The third segment will test reading and writing in Spanish. You will read passages, respond to questions, and type your responses in the test delivery system using the embedded tools.

Monitoring Student Progress

Test Selection

Test Administrator

It is very important that TAs monitor student progress throughout the test session. This includes verifying that students are participating in the appropriate content area and type of test (CSA).

The TA monitors the test each student is taking by referring to the Tests table in the Test Administrator Interface, shown in figure 18. Note that the list of student names can be sorted by linked (underlined) column headings. This site will not show test items or scores but will show the TA the percentage of items that have been delivered to the student.

In the event a student is taking an incorrect test, the TA should pause the student’s test. The TA should then instruct the student to log off and log on again to select the correct test. The Test column is indicated in figure 18.

Test Administrator Interface layout with Tests column in the Tests without Issue table indicated.

Figure 18. Monitoring student progress in the Test Administrator Interface

Test Security

Once students have started the CSA, the TA should monitor the room to ensure that all conditions of test security are maintained. If the TA witnesses or suspects the possibility of a test security incident, the TA should contact the CAASPP test site coordinator, the LEA CAASPP coordinator, or both of these coordinators immediately in accordance with the security guidance provided in this manual.

Student Directions During Testing

While the Test Administrator Interface is designed to refresh automatically every minute, the TA can refresh it manually at any time by selecting the [Refresh Page] button at the top right corner of the page.

If the TA notices that a student is off task, the TA may say the following statement to the student, verbatim, to keep the student focused.


Es importante que hagas lo mejor que puedas. ¿Necesitas hacer una pausa en la prueba y tomar un descanso?


It is important for you to do your best. Do you need to pause the test and take a break?


Hazlo lo mejor que puedas y elige la respuesta que más sentido tiene. Si no estás seguro de cómo funciona una pregunta, puede s revisar un tutorial seleccionando la opción "tutorial" en el menú contextual.


Do the best you can and select the response you feel is best. If you are unsure about how a question works, you can review a tutorial by selecting the “tutorial” option from the context menu.

Ending a Test Session

  1. Test Administrator
    When there are approximately 10 minutes left in the test session, the TA should give students a brief warning.


    Nos estamos acercando al final de esta sesión de la prueba. Si están trabajando en una respuesta escrita o están grabando una respuesta, terminen sus respuestas antes del final de esta sesión de la prueba. También revisen las preguntas que han completado o que han seleccionado para revisar. No envíen su prueba a menos de que hayan contestado todas las preguntas.


    Si están trabajando en un grupo de preguntas para un mismo pasaje de lectura o escucha, por favor contesten todas las preguntas de ese grupo.


    Avísenme si necesitan más tiempo.


    We are nearing the end of this test session. If you are currently working on a written response or are recording a response, complete your responses before the end of this test session. Please review the questions you have completed or selected for review. Do not submit your test unless you have answered all of the questions.

    If you are working on a set of questions for the same reading or listening passage, please answer all of the questions in that set.

    Let me know if you need more time.

Submitting Tests

  1. Test Administrator
    After answering the last item in each segment, each student is presented with a screen prompting the student to review answers within that segment of the test prior to submitting. The Mark for Review function is provided as a reminder to the student that the student had a question or concern about a particular item. However, a student cannot return to items in segments that have been submitted.

    After answering the last question, students must submit their tests. If students would like to review their answers before submitting their test, they should select an item number to review and then [TERMINAR PRUEBA] after they finish reviewing all desired items. Once students have selected [TERMINAR PRUEBA], they will not be able to review their answers.

    Students can go back and change answers when they return to the test before it is submitted so long as they return to the test within the testing window for the CSA.

  2. Test Administrator
    Read the following SAY statement.


    Esta sesión de prueba se ha terminado. Si no han terminado la prueba, seleccionen PAUSA y podrán terminarla en otra sesión.

    Si han contestado a todas las preguntas y han terminado de revisar sus respuestas, seleccionen [FINALIZAR PRUEBA]. Ahora recogeré sus materiales.


    This test session is about to end. If you have not completed the test, select PAUSE and you will be able to complete it in another session.

    If you have answered all of the questions and you have finished reviewing your responses, select [TERMINAR PRUEBA]. Now I will collect your materials.

TAs should select [Stop Session] to end the test session; when selected, the Important! message box appears (figure 19). However, ending the test session will pause any student test in the session that is still in progress.

Important! message box that says 'This will stop the testing session and pause tests for all students who are currently taking tests in the session.'

Figure 19. Important! message box

When finished, TAs can log off the Test Administrator Interface by selecting the [Name] drop-down list at the top right and then selecting Logout. TAs should also collect any used scratch paper and follow procedures for local secure destruction as outlined in the Handling Secure Materials section.

Logging Off

Use caution when logging off the Test Administrator Interface, as this will log off other related systems (for example, TOMS). To log off the Test Administrator Interface, select the [Name] drop-down list in the top-right corner of the screen, and then select Logout (shown in figure 20).

Logout option in the Name drop-down list.

Figure 20. Logout option under the [Name] drop-down list

Once the Test Administrator Interface is closed, the TA will not be able to resume the test session and will need to create a new test session to continue testing.

Resolve Test Administrator Interface Issues During Testing

When summative assessments are not displayed in the Test Administrator Interface, it may be that a TA has not signed the Test Security Affidavit in TOMS prior to logging on to the Test Administrator Interface. Once signed, the TA will be allowed access to view and administer the CAASPP assessments.

Other causes might include a dropped internet connection, incorrect web browser version, or other unique situations. These must be resolved before testing can begin.