What’s New in the CAASPP System in 2023⁠–⁠24

CAASPP System of Assessments


  • The CSA has been updated to support domain expansion activities, which are being field-tested in 2023–24.
    • A full write item for the writing domain has been added that will be hand scored by ETS for this and future administrations.
    • A speaking domain has been added with CR and stand-alone items that will be scored by ETS for the field test. When the test is operational starting in 2024–25, the TA will listen to the recorded responses and enter the score into the THSS.
    • Recommendation for students to use a headset with a microphone for the speaking domain
  • Training tests have been updated to include the expanded components.
  • The estimated time for a student to take the CSA has increased to approximately four hours.

General Assessments

  • DFA scripts for administration of the Smarter Balanced and CAST have been broken out into three sections: administration of Smarter Balanced CAT, Smarter Balanced PTs, and the CAST.

Test Administration Applications

Unified Headers for All

  • The test administration applications, such as the Test Administrator Interface and the Completion Status system, share the same page headers, including the program logos, a [Help] button, and a [Name] drop-down list containing applicable functions.

Test Administrator Interface

  • The Test Administrator Interface has been updated to a cleaner, more user-friendly appearance. This includes new functionality that allows TAs and TEs to pin students’ tests to a list at the top of the screen while monitoring testing.

Test Delivery System

  • The process of ending a test in the Student Testing Interface has been streamlined. The [End Test] button will no longer be used as part of the process to submit a test. Instead, when the [Next] button is selected on the final item of a test, students will be taken directly to the Test Review screen where answers can be reviewed. Students will then select the [Submit Test] button and the [Yes] confirmation button to end the test.

Accessibility Resources

  • The definition of the non-embedded color contrast with print-on-demand designated support has been updated to specify that the test administrator or test examiner prints the needed test content in the requested color.
  • The definition of the non-embedded amplification designated support has been amended to remove noise buffers and white noise machines.
  • The definition of the non-embedded medical supports designated support has been updated to allow Bluetooth hearing aids.
  • Assignment of the non-embedded print-on-demand accommodation can now be made in TOMS by a CAASPP test site coordinator or an LEA CAASPP coordinator.
  • Word prediction has been added as an embedded accommodation for the Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics and CAST assessments.
  • A non-embedded printed copy of the Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics oral test directions in English, created by Smarter Balanced, has been added as a designated support that may be provided to a student.
  • Non-embedded translated test directions in ASL for the Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics have been added as designated supports that may be provided to a student.
  • The embedded Spanish stacked–dual language translation designated support has been updated to be activated using a toggle mode. A student can now toggle between English and Spanish for the Smarter Balanced for Mathematics assessment. The resource continues to appear as a stacked translation for CAST.
  • Spell check has been added as an embedded universal tool for the CSA.


STAIRS and Appeals

  • STAIRS cases submitted under Incorrect SSID Used for swap now need to be confirmed in the "Notes” section of the submitted STAIRS case in TOMS prior to approval.
    • To confirm an Incorrect SSID Used swap case, the Result ID, SSIDs involved, and the test needed to be moved must be entered in the “Notes” section of the STAIRS case. LEAs will no longer need to contact their Success Agent to confirm a submitted swap case.
    • Denied Incorrect SSID Used swap cases will have detailed guidance in the “Notes” section regarding the next steps for STAIRS submissions. This may include guidance requesting submission of a new STAIRS case for a different Appeal type or requesting resubmission of a case that included incorrectly filed information. LEAs with denied Incorrect SSID Used swap cases may be contacted by their region’s Success Agent in the event guidance is not followed, to provide follow-up and assistance with the processes involved.
    • Approved Incorrect SSID Used swap cases will have detailed messaging on the approved STAIRS case status as it enters processing and an additional message upon completion of the swap, all provided directly in the STAIRS case “Notes” section.


  • CAASPP SSRs have been redesigned, starting with the 2023–24 administration. Changes to SSRs include the following:
    • SSR formats are PDF and HTML; for an HTML SSR, an LEA or parent or student portal vendor provides a link to a parent/guardian.
    • Where applicable, results of a science assessment are included in the same PDF SSR as ELA and mathematics results.
    • All SSRs include score comparison data.
  • The following changes apply to SSRs for the Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics specifically:
    • Composite claim results will be reported using the same performance levels as the individual claim results—Below Standard, Near Standard, and Above Standard. Near Standard means that a student’s performance was at standard, slightly above standard, or slightly below standard for the specific performance area of the assessment. For ELA, the current Reading and Listening claims are combined into a single Reading and Listening composite claim, while the Writing and Research claims are combined into a single Writing and Research composite claim. For mathematics, the Concepts and Procedures claim remains the same while the other three claims are combined into a single Mathematical Practices composite claim.
    • Results for the WER item are included in the same SSR as ELA and mathematics results.
    • Lexile and Quantile measures are included in the same SSR as ELA and mathematics results.
  • Arabic is a new language available for 2023–24 CAASPP SSRs.
  • Fee-based video SSRs are available. Visit the Personalized Video SSR Interest Form web page to request additional information.

Technical Specifications

Refer to the CAASPP and ELPAC Technical Specifications and Configuration Guide for Online Testing for information about the updated secure browser and operating system versions required for testing in the 2023–24 CAASPP administration.