Appendix C: Practice and Training Tests

Online practice and training tests are available for all CAASPP summative assessments. The Practice and Training Test Site can be accessed and used by anyone.

All of the practice and training tests can be accessed and used as a “guest” without logon credentials and without using the secure browser, although a supported web browser is necessary. While the practice and training tests do not require the use of the secure browser, some accessibility resources, such as text-to-speech, are only available through the secure browser. Refreshable or embossed braille, where available, can be accessed using a web browser.

If users want to access the practice and training tests as a TA or TE—required for the use of the text-to-speech accessibility resource—a logon will be required. TAs and TEs can contact their site CAASPP coordinator for logon credentials.

Overview of the Practice Tests

Practice tests can be administered in one of two ways:

  • Using the same procedures as the operational tests, with the Test Administrator Interface (through the Test Administrator Training Site), secure browser, and individual student logon information
  • Using a standard supported web browser to access the practice tests directly, without use of the Test Administrator Interface or secure browser

The online practice tests allow educators and students to experience a full grade-level test and gain insight into the CAASPP computer-based assessments. The practice tests, which are not adaptive, otherwise mirror the summative assessments but are not scored, although answer keys and scoring rubrics are available.

The practice test also includes access to embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations, which should also be provided to students with any non-embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations as allowed on the operational summative assessments.

Item types are listed and described in Appendix B: Computer-based Item Types in this manual. Scoring guides, PFAs, and DFAs for practice tests are found on the Practice and Training Test Resources web page.

Practice tests can be accessed either through the secure browser or through a standard internet browser.

Smarter Balanced

Each grade-level practice test includes a variety of item response types and difficulty levels—approximately 30 items each in ELA and mathematics. Additionally, there is an ELA and mathematics PT at each grade level (three through eight and eleven).


For the CAST, practice tests are available for each tested grade level or grade band (grade five, grade eight, and high school). Each practice test consists of a series of discrete or stand-alone items followed by three PTs, one from each of the three science content domains. The practice tests provide experience with grade-level content and accessibility resources similar to what appears in the operational CAST.

Each grade-level test includes a variety of item response types and difficulty levels—between 42 and 50 items, depending on the grade level.


The CAA practice tests for ELA, mathematics, and science allow students and TEs to become familiar with grade-level CAA test questions. The practice tests provide a sample of the question types and grade-level content that appear on the CAA operational assessments. There is a grade-specific CAA practice test available for each tested grade (three through eight and high school) and content area (ELA, mathematics, and science). In the CAA for Science, there are three practice embedded PTs in each grade level, one for each domain.

Used in conjunction with the CAA Practice Test DFAs and CAA Practice Test Scoring Guides, these training tests can help both TEs and students become familiar with the testing format, interface, functionalities, and accessibility resources available for the CAAs to establish the most optimal testing environment for students.


The CSA practice tests allow educators and students to become familiar with grade-level (grades three through eight) and grade-band (high school) CSA test questions. The practice tests provide a sample of the question types, grade-level content, and accessibility resources that appear on the CSA operational assessments. There is a grade-specific CSA practice test available for each of grades three through eight and one for all high school grade levels.

Overview of the Training Tests

The training tests are designed to provide students and educators with an opportunity to quickly familiarize themselves with the software and navigational tools that they will use on the CAASPP assessments. Each test contains fewer than 10 questions.

Similar to the practice tests, the training tests include all embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations. The questions were selected to provide students with an opportunity to practice a range of item response types. Item types are listed and described in Appendix B: Computer-based Item Types in this manual. There are no scoring guides for training tests.

Students can log on as guests or use their first name and SSID. Students who log on using their credentials may log on to a guest session or a proctored training session with a training session ID set up through the Test Administrator Training Site.

Smarter Balanced

For the Smarter Balanced assessments, this resource is available by grade band (that is, grades three through five, grades six through eight, and grade eleven) and has approximately six to nine mathematics items and six to seven ELA items per grade band. The training tests do not contain PTs.


For the CAST, there are training tests available in grades five and eight and high school that can be taken by students in all tested grade levels or the grade band. Most item types available on the operational assessment are covered in the training tests.


An online training test in each of the ELA, mathematics, and science content areas is available to provide a sample of question functionality and response types. The training tests are not grade-specific and not meant to be used to measure content knowledge. For the CAA for Science, there is a Training Performance Task DFA available.

These training tests can help both TEs and students become familiar with the testing format, interface, functionalities, and accessibility resources available for the CAAs to establish the most optimal testing environment for students.

The training tests can also be used to help TEs determine whether they will need to enter responses into the testing interface for the student on the operational tests.

Training tests for CAAs can be accessed either through the secure browser or through a standard internet browser. DFAs for training tests are found on the Practice and Training Test Resources web page.


For the CSA, there are training tests available in three grade bands: grades three through five, grades six through eight, and high school. They include items for the writing full write and speaking domain. For the CSA, the training test includes extended text and audio response items.

TA and TE Logon for the Practice and Training Tests

The Test Administrator Training Site provides an opportunity for TAs and TEs to practice setting up a test session using a practice test or training test. Access to the Test Administrator Training Site requires the same logon credentials used to access the Test Administrator Interface. This site may be used only by authorized LEA CAASPP coordinators, site CAASPP coordinators, TAs, and TEs. Note that braille practice tests and training tests can be accessed only through the Test Administrator Training Site by the TA using a standard web browser and can be accessed by a student using a standard web browser or the secure browser.

For additional information about how to set up a practice test or training test session, visit the Practice and Training Test Resources web page.

It is highly recommended that all students access the training tests before taking a summative assessment on the device the student will use for testing. The training tests will be especially beneficial for those students who have not previously participated in computer-based testing. Teachers are encouraged to conduct a group walk-through of a practice test or training test with their students to promote familiarity with the testing format and basic test rules and to allow for free and open communication on the testing process and content (refer to the General Test Administration Information section). This walk-through of the practice tests and training tests provides opportunities for TAs and TEs to describe the limitations to the support they will be able to provide and the verbal interactions they can have with students during each live test session.