Reports in the Completion Status System can be created for the LEA by selecting [Generate Report] after entering criteria.

Plan and Manage Testing, Participation by SSID, and Progress Summary Reports


Navigation and configuration features are shown in figure 1 and described in this subsection.

Online Testing Progress Report with the Export list and Hide/Show Columns indicated.

Figure 1. Sample School Plan and Manage Testing Report—Initial ELPAC

  • Navigation Tools:
    • By default, 50 student records can be displayed on the screen at a time. Navigation buttons are displayed at the bottom of the report to enable navigation through all the retrieved records.
    • By default, the table displays 23 columns of available data. To view all of the available data—and depending on the user’s monitor resolution—there might be a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the report. Table 1 identifies all of the columns present in a report and provides a description of each one. Table 2 provides a definition for each test status (listed in the Status column).
  • Export List: The [Export] down-arrow list icon [Export icon with an arrow pointing down and an arrow indicating a list selection.], which appears over the top-left corner of the table and is indicated in figure 1, provides a drop-down list that allows a user to open the on-screen report as either a spreadsheet or CSV file in Excel.
  • Show or Hide Columns: Show or hide columns in the table by selecting the [Show/Hide Columns] list-plus and down arrow icon [List-plus and down arrow icon.] in the top-right corner of the table (figure 1). When this icon is selected, a list of the columns in the table is displayed (figure 2). Uncheck the box next to the column name to hide it. This will remove the column from view. To remove the list from view, move the cursor away from the arrow icon and click or select blank space or another object on the screen.

    The list of columns that appears after selecting the Show/Hide Columns button. Items are listed and described in table 2

    Figure 2. Columns to show or hide

  • Sort Results by Attribute: Report data can be sorted in any column. Select the column header to sort data in ascending (A–Z; 1–10) or descending (Z–A; 10–1) order. The default sort order is by Student Name, in ascending order by last name.
  • General Tools: Reports also provide access to the Help and Account tools. For information on the functions of each of these tools, refer to Header with General Tools.

Column Definitions

Column headings for Plan and Manage Testing (basic and advanced), Participation by SSID, and Progress Summary reports are shown in table 1. These are the same for both on-screen and spreadsheet reports.

Table 1. Online Testing Progress Report Column Attribute Definitions

Column Description
Name A student’s preferred name (last name, first name) as listed in CALPADS
SSID The student’s unique California SSID
District Name The LEA in which a student’s school is located (An NPS is listed under all parent LEAs.)
Enrolled Grade The grade level in which a student is enrolled
Blocked Subjects

The content area or domain in which the student is blocked from taking tests

  • This field is populated with the restricted content area or domain. (For example, “Science” shows for a student in high school who has taken a science assessment in a prior year.)
    • CAASPP students assigned the PGE or NTE condition code in a summative assessment
    • Initial ELPAC students having a domain exemption
    • Summative ELPAC students having a domain exemption
School Name The school in which a student is currently enrolled
Current ELAS

Indicates whether the student is an EL

  • This field is populated as EL, EO, IFEP, RFEP, or TBD.

Test name for a student record showing the test or domain opportunity

  • For the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, there will be a CAT or PT test opportunity.
  • For the Initial ELPAC or Summative ELPAC, there will be a Listening, Reading, Speaking, or Writing domain opportunity and a corresponding DEI opportunity, if applicable.
Presentation The presentation setting that was assigned to the student (English, Spanish, or braille for CAASPP assessments; and English or braille for the Initial ELPAC or Summative ELPAC)

The opportunity number for a specific student record

  • For the current testing administration, one opportunity is available per student per content area or domain-level test for the following assessments:
    • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA and mathematics
    • CAST
    • CAAs for ELA and mathematics
    • CAA for Science
    • CSA
    • Summative ELPAC
    • Initial ELPAC
    • Summative Alternate ELPAC
    • Initial Alternate ELPAC
  • Three opportunities are available for each ICA.
  • Ninety-nine opportunities (i.e., unlimited) are available for the IABs, CAST Interim Assessments and ELPAC Interim Assessments.
TA Name The test administrator or test examiner who created the session in which the student is currently testing (or in which the student completed the test)
Session ID The Session ID to which the test is linked
Status The status for that specific opportunity (Refer to table 2 for test status definitions.)
Results ID

The unique identifier linked to the student’s results for that specific opportunity

  • This information is used for results processing and is internal to the test provider.

The total number of times a student has resumed an opportunity (For example, if a test has been paused three times and the student has resumed the opportunity after each pause, this column will show three “Restarts.”)

  • This includes Restarts within Grace Period—refer to the next row.
Restarts within Grace Period

The total number of times a student has resumed an opportunity within 20 minutes after a test was paused (For example, if a test has been paused three times and the student resumed the opportunity within 20 minutes of two pauses but 35 minutes after the third pause, then this column will show two Restarts within Grace Period. This column does not apply to PTs or the alternate assessments.)

  • A student has an idle period of 30 minutes before the test is paused automatically by the TDS. A test paused for more than 20 minutes will expire, and the student will not be able to review any previous answers.
  • Requests to reopen the test after it has been paused for longer than 20 minutes (Grace Period Extension) must be filed in STAIRS.
Date Started The date when the first test item was presented to the student for that opportunity
Date Completed The date when the student submitted the test for scoring
Last Activity

The date of the last activity for that opportunity or record

  • A “completed” test can still have activity as it is processed for reporting.
Expiration Date The date the test opportunity expired (This field is blank if the test has not expired.)
Force Complete Date
  • CAASPP (except CAST): Either the day after the final day of the selected testing window or the day after the statewide testing window has closed, a test is force-completed, which is when one or more portions of the test that had not been logged on to by the student is sent, instead, to the system for scoring. This is applicable to multipart tests such as the Smarter Balanced for ELA or mathematics and the CAA for Science.
  • CAST: The day after the statewide testing window has closed, a test is force-completed.
  • ELPAC: The day after the statewide testing window has closed, a test is force-completed, which is when one or more domains of the test that had not been logged on to by the student or kindergarten through grade two Writing domain Answer Book was never submitted, the test is sent, instead, to the system for scoring.
Remote Session Indicates that the test was administered remotely (This field is populated as a Y/N value.)
Secure Browser

Indicates whether the test was taken using the secure browser or the web-based Student Testing Interface. (This field is populated as a Y/N/Partial value, where “Partial” indicates that the student took part of an assessment using the secure browser and part of an assessment using the web-based student testing interface.)

During high-volume testing, this value may take an extended amount of time before it updates from “N” to “Y” for students who tested using a secure browser.

Status Definitions

Table 2 defines the possible values in the Status column of Plan and Manage Testing (basic and advanced), Participation by SSID, and Progress Summary reports.

Table 2. Test Status Definitions

Status Definitions
Approved The test administrator or test examiner has approved the student for the session, but the student has not yet started or resumed the test.
[blank] The student has not begun this test.
Completed The student has submitted the test for scoring. No additional action can be taken by the student.
Denied The test administrator or test examiner denied the student entry into the session. If the student attempts to enter the session again, this status will change to “Pending” until the test administrator or test examiner approves or denies the student.

The student’s opportunity has not been completed and cannot be resumed because the test opportunity has expired.

  • CAASPP Smarter Balanced ELA and mathematics PTs generally expire after 15 calendar days; non-PTs expire after 45 calendar days.
  • For the CAST, CAAs, and CSA, assessments expire after 45 calendar days.
  • For the Summative ELPAC, the test opportunities for Listening and Reading expire after 45 calendar days and for Speaking and Writing, after 20 calendar days.
  • For the Initial ELPAC, test opportunities expire after 30 calendar days for all domains.
  • For the Initial Alternate ELPAC, test opportunities expire 30 days after start.
  • For the Summative Alternate ELPAC, test opportunities expire at the end of the testing window.
Invalidated The CAASPP test result has been invalidated; for example, if an unlisted resource changes the construct being measured, a test may be invalidated. (This Appeal type does not apply to the ELPAC.)

The student’s test is currently paused. The following scenarios will result in a paused status:

  • The student pauses the test by selecting the [Pause] button.
  • The student has been idle for longer than 30 minutes, and then the system pauses the test.
  • The test administrator or test examiner pauses the student’s test.
  • The test administrator or test examiner stops the session.
  • A technical problem with the student’s device or secure browser results in a loss of connectivity to the TDS.

The time listed with this status indicates how long the student’s test has been in the “Paused” status.


The student is awaiting test administrator or test examiner approval for a new test opportunity.

  • For the CAASPP in the current test administration, one opportunity is available per student per test for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA and mathematics, the CAST, and the CAAs for ELA and mathematics.
  • Each embedded PT administered as part of the CAA for Science is one opportunity, for a total of four.
  • Three opportunities are available for each ICA.
  • Each ELPAC domain that is administered online is its own opportunity, with a maximum total of four opportunities.
  • Ninety-nine opportunities (i.e., unlimited) are available for the IABs and the interim assessments for CAST and the ELPAC.
Reported The student’s score for the completed test in the TDS has passed the quality assurance review and has been submitted to CERS. Some items must be hand scored before they appear in CERS.
Review The student has answered all test items and is currently reviewing the answers before submitting the test. (A test with a “Review” status is not considered complete.)
Scored The TDS has processed the student’s responses to items on the test.
Started The student has started the test and is actively testing.
Submitted The test has been submitted for quality assurance review and validation before scores can be released. A quality assurance engine examines submitted tests for a number of statistical elements before they are reported, including reviews for scoring errors. Results with this status are not yet available to be viewed.
Suspended The student is awaiting test administrator or test examiner approval to resume a test opportunity.