Updated for 2024–25 Administration Print This Guide

Manual Content

The Completion Status System provides current information that can be used to monitor CAASPP and ELPAC testing statuses for an LEA or individual school sites.

This web-based application enables an authorized LEA CAASPP coordinator, LEA ELPAC coordinator, site CAASPP coordinator, site ELPAC coordinator, test administrator, or test examiner to view test progress information for students participating in the computer-based CAASPP and ELPAC.

What’s New in 2024–25

  • The user interface has been redesigned.
  • The Secure File Center has been redesigned and now includes one-click file sharing to multiple users.
  • The steps to generate a report on the Plan and Manage Testing screen have been revised.
  • Users in all roles will have access to test progress visualizations.
  • Quick-access reports can be requested, and “smart” defaults are preselected for Participation by SSID reports.
  • Test Progress Summary reports are available. These visualization (graph) reports are based on data from the Test Completion Rates report.

Organization of the User Guide

This user guide provides information about each of the system features available to authorized users. This user guide is organized as follows:

  • Navigating the Completion Status System provides an overview of the Completion Status System, which enables users to determine which students have completed or need to complete testing, as well as information about how to access Completion Status reports, including logon instructions, LEA- and school-level user account differences, and details about the tools available to users.
  • Accessing Specific Report Types includes instructions on generating LEA- and school-level Completion Status reports, with specifics on how to filter these reports by student demographic information and testing progress.
  • Reports Layouts describes the features and columns in the on-screen and Excel spreadsheet reports.