My Reports

The My Reports page includes Printable Reports, Custom Aggregate Reports, and District/School Exports. Access to these reports is dependent on user permissions.

A user can access the My Reports page by selecting the [My Reports] button from the system header bar, as in figure 1.

My Reports Button

Figure 1. My Reports button

My Reports page - Name, Report Type, Assessment type, Subject, School Year, Status, Date

Figure 2. My Reports page

The My Reports page (figure 2) contains a table with two tabs, [My Reports] and [Saved Queries]. The [My Reports] tab displays a table containing all the reports run by a user. The [Saved Queries] tab displays all report queries saved by the user. Both tables contain the following columns:

Name: Name of the report

Report Type: Defines if it is an individual, group, or aggregate report

Assessment Type: Indicates if the report includes Summative, IAB/IA, or ICA

Subject: Indicates which subject(s) the report includes

  • English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA)
  • Math
  • CAA Math
  • CAA Science
  • CAST
  • CSA
  • Summative Alternate ELPAC
  • All

School Year: Year(s) of data queried

Status: Condition of the report's processing (My Reports page only)

  • Pending: The report is still processing
  • Completed: The report is ready to be displayed or downloaded
  • Failed: The report failed to complete
  • No Results: The query did not return any results

Date: Date the report was created or saved query last updated

Report Options

Selecting the Context Menu three-dot icon [three dots icon] on a report name opens a context menu for that report (figure 3). For example, if the report type is "Aggregate Report," then the context menu has the following options:

  • [View Report]: Display the report in the Custom Aggregate Report page (refer to the Custom Aggregate Reports section)
  • [Download Report Data]: Download the report to a CSV file on the user's computer
  • [View Report Query]: Display the query used to generate the report in the Custom Aggregate Query page section (refer to the Custom Aggregate Reports section)
  • [Save Report Query]: Save the query to be used to create another report even after this report is deleted. Saved queries appear in the [Saved Queries] tab described in the next section.
  • [Delete Report]: Delete this report from the My Reports list

Custom Aggregate Report download dropdown

Figure 3. Report options in IAB/IA Dashboard

If the report type is a District/School or Printed Report, the same context menu options are available, except for the [View Report] option, as shown in figure 4.

Custom Aggregate Report with Summative embargo

Figure 4. Menu for reports other than Aggregate Reports

Saved Queries

Saved queries allow reports to be re-created, with query modifications, at any time, even after the original report the query was saved from has been deleted. All queries saved by the user appear on the [Saved Queries] tab that can be found next to the [My Reports] tab discussed in the previous section. This tab is accessed by selecting the [My Reports] button on the system header bar and then selecting the [Saved Queries] tab (figure 5).

Custom Aggregate Report in the Saved Queries tab

Figure 5. Saved Queries tab

Saving a Query

To create a saved query, select Save Report Query from the context menu of an existing report on the [My Reports] tab (figure 6), as discussed in the previous section.

Save Report Query dropdown

Figure 6. Save Report Query option

The query is added to the [Saved Queries] tab with the same name as the report, as shown in figure 7.

Sample Report in Saved Queries

Figure 7. Query added to Saved Query tab

Saved Query Options

Selecting the Context Menu three-dot icon [three dots icon] on a saved query name opens a context menu for the query (figure 8).

Saved Query dropdown

Figure 8. Saved Query context menu

The Context Menu has the following options:

  • [View Query]: Display the query in the appropriate report form. This view is similar to the original report creation interface for that report type and includes a [Save Query] button to save any changes made to the query.
  • [Copy Query]: Create a duplicate of the query with a name that is a variation on the original query's name. For example, if the query is named "Sample Report," the copied query is then named "Sample Report (1)". The name can be changed by viewing the new query and saving it with a different name.
  • [Delete Query]: Delete the query. This action does not delete the original report from which the query was saved.

For example, if the [View Query] button is selected from the context menu of the "Sample Report" custom aggregate report shown above, then the Custom Aggregate Report edit page appears, prepopulated with the values from the saved query. Any part of the query can be modified from this page.

When viewing a saved query, a [Save Query] button will appear in the Report Review panel. This button is disabled (grayed out) until at least one query parameter is changed or given a new name.

Figure 9. Save Query button

Selecting the [Save Query] button saves the edited query in place of the existing one. A dialog indicating a successful save appears briefly in the upper right of the screen.

Screen shot of message of when Query is saved

Figure 10. Successful save message

Saving the query does not navigate away from the edit page, which allows the user to select the [Create Report] button and immediately create a report based on the newly saved query.