After Testing

Enter Student Responses in the DEI

All student responses must be entered into the DEI prior to materials return. Follow the instructions in the DEI Instructions section to log on, enter responses, and submit a student’s assessment. Student results cannot be scored and reported until they have been entered.

Assemble Materials for Return

After student results are entered into the DEI, testing materials must be returned to the testing contractor. Do not return materials until student responses have been entered.

  • After testing has been completed, test administrators should prepare materials to be returned to the CAASPP test site coordinator.
  • The CAASPP test site coordinator should take the following steps to prepare materials for return to the LEA CAASPP coordinator:
    1. Check to make sure that all answer booklets have been removed from inside the test booklets.
    2. Check answer booklets and test booklets to make sure there are no sticky notes, staples, pins, paper clips, or tape of any kind on all pages. Check that no scratch paper was left inside the answer booklets. Remove any extraneous material.
    3. Return test booklets for all enrolled students, including those who do not participate in the ELA, mathematics, or science summative assessment for the grade level and for whom tests will be invalidated.
    4. Retrieve all ELA CDs.
    5. Return the stack of test and answer booklets and CDs to the CAASPP test site coordinator.
    6. Bundle all unused materials together and return them to the CAASPP test site coordinator.
    7. Bundle together all of the scratch paper. This material is to be destroyed securely according to school policy. Do not dispose of the scratch or graph paper by placing it in the trash.
    8. Bundle together all of the science reference tools that were included with the CAST booklets. This material is to be destroyed securely according to school policy, as it may have been used as scratch paper by a student. Do not dispose of the science reference tools pages by placing them in the trash.

Return Materials

CAASPP test site coordinators and LEA CAASPP coordinators must package and return secure Smarter Balanced and CAST PPT materials according to the instructions in the Smarter Balanced Materials Return Instructions received with the shipment of Smarter Balanced materials or the CAST Materials Return Instructions received with the shipment of CAST materials.

These documents are also posted on the CAASPP Manuals and Instructions web page.