Test Administration Roles and Responsibilities

A successful administration of the Initial Alternate ELPAC requires identifying the appropriate staff to fulfill specific roles. The three main roles involved with the administration of the test are the following:

  1. LEA ELPAC coordinator
  2. Site ELPAC coordinator
  3. ELPAC TE, a staff member who is familiar with the student

For the 2023–24 Initial Alternate ELPAC administration, new or returning LEA ELPAC coordinators and site ELPAC coordinators with access to TOMS will be required to electronically sign the ELPAC Test Security Agreement upon logging on to TOMS. In addition, any LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and TEs who have access to secure test materials, such as DFAs, will be required to electronically sign the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit in TOMS prior to accessing test materials.

The subsections that follow outline the various responsibilities of each role.

LEA ELPAC Coordinator Responsibilities

The LEA ELPAC coordinators are designated by the LEA superintendent or charter school administrators for the upcoming 2023–24 test administration and must electronically sign the test security forms in TOMS. Refer to the LEA ELPAC Coordinator Checklist for a complete list of test administration activities for users with this role.

The LEA ELPAC coordinators are responsible for

  • adding site ELPAC coordinators and ELPAC TEs into TOMS;
  • verifying and assigning designated supports and accommodations to students in TOMS;
  • verifying and assigning the Initial Alternate ELPAC test assignment to students in TOMS;
  • requesting unlisted resources for students in TOMS;
  • completing a state-sponsored training, or sending a designated LEA ELPAC trainer and ensuring that all TEs are trained;
  • ensuring that the site ELPAC coordinators and TEs are appropriately trained regarding Initial Alternate ELPAC administration as well as security policies and procedures;
  • providing access and keys to the Moodle Training Site to LEA ELPAC trainers and TEs;
  • making checklists and manuals, which are linked on the Manuals and Instructions web page on the ELPAC website, available for site ELPAC coordinators and TEs so these users can review the materials in preparation for the assessments;
  • ensuring adequate test materials are available and distributed throughout the LEA during the testing window as needed;
  • ensuring proper handling of all test materials by all staff throughout the administration window;
  • reporting all test security irregularities, improprieties, and breaches (including social media discussion or posting photos of test materials) that occur before, during, or after test administration to the assigned LEA Success Agent within 24 hours of discovery and using the online STAIRS process available in TOMS;
  • assuming general oversight responsibilities for all administration activities in their LEA schools, ensuring that students have a positive test experience;
  • accessing and reviewing test completion rates for the LEA in the Completion Status system;
  • accessing and reviewing final student reports and aggregated data for the LEA in TOMS;
  • making decisions whether to request the fee-based service of printed copies of DFAs; and
  • ensuring printed SSRs are made available to test sites, students, and parents/guardians.

Site ELPAC Coordinator

The site ELPAC coordinator is designated by the LEA ELPAC coordinator. All site ELPAC coordinators must electronically sign the ELPAC Test Security Agreement and the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit located within TOMS prior to testing. Refer to the Site ELPAC Coordinator Checklist for a complete list of test administration activities for users with this role.

The site ELPAC coordinators are responsible for

  • adding ELPAC TEs into TOMS and ensuring that they have received and successfully used their logon credentials, and that they have reviewed and electronically signed the ELPAC Test Security Agreement and ELPAC Test Security Affidavit in TOMS;
  • identifying ELPAC TEs and ensuring that they view the Moodle Training Site ;
  • verifying that student demographic information from CALPADS is appearing correctly in TOMS;
  • verifying and assigning designated supports and accommodations to students in TOMS;
  • verifying and assigning the Initial Alternate ELPAC test assignment to students in TOMS;
  • creating or approving testing schedules and procedures for the school (consistent with state and LEA policies);
  • requesting unlisted resources for students in TOMS;
  • working with technology staff to ensure that devices are configured for testing and any technical issues are resolved;
  • receiving, printing, and storing paper test materials (for example, picture cards and DFAs) in a secure location until needed for testing;
  • coordinating with the LEA ELPAC coordinator on the proper handling of all test materials throughout the administration window;
  • coordinating with TEs so they administer all assessments;
  • monitoring testing progress during the testing window using the Completion Status system and ensuring that all students participate, as appropriate;
  • using the school’s procedure for correcting student data errors reported by TEs in CALPADS, verifying the corrections in TOMS, and ensuring that the student’s test session is rescheduled;
  • addressing testing problems, as needed;
  • mitigating and reporting all test security incidents in a manner consistent with state and LEA policies;
  • assuming general oversight responsibilities for all administration activities in their school and for all TEs and other school staff; and
  • accessing and reviewing completion status reports for the test site in the Completion Status system.

Alternate ELPAC TE Responsibilities

An Alternate ELPAC TE is an employee or contractor of an LEA or of an NPS who has been trained to administer the Alternate ELPAC.

Alternate ELPAC TEs are responsible for

  • electronically signing the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit in TOMS;
  • completing the AST on the Moodle Training Site ;
  • working with the LEA ELPAC coordinator or site ELPAC coordinator to confirm that a TOMS account with an ELPAC TE user role has been generated;
  • administering the Initial Alternate ELPAC in accordance with the guidelines outlined in this manual and in the DFA;
  • verifying designated supports and accommodations to students in TOMS (The TE may adjust designated supports at the time of testing.);
  • viewing student information in the Test Administrator Interface prior to testing to ensure that the individual student being tested receives the correct test with the appropriate resources (TEs should report any potential data errors to site ELPAC coordinators and LEA ELPAC coordinators as appropriate.);
  • downloading the PFA for additional guidance on planning and preparing for administering the assessment;
  • downloading the DFA for the appropriate test using the [Resources] navigation tab in TOMS to access secure materials;
  • ensuring all devices that will be used for the administration, including those specified in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan, have been programmed and prepared for testing;
  • ensuring all testing materials, such as picture cards, answer choice cards, and manipulatives, have been prepared and are available for testing;
  • reporting all potential test security incidents to the site ELPAC coordinator and LEA ELPAC coordinator in a manner consistent with Initial Alternate ELPAC and LEA policies; and
  • viewing completion status reports in TOMS.