Test Administration Roles

Primary User Roles

The primary user roles for Alternate ELPAC administration are as follows:

  1. Superintendent
  2. LEA ELPAC coordinator
  3. Site ELPAC coordinator
  4. ELPAC TE, a staff member who is familiar with the student as well as the student’s individual testing needs and preferred mode of communication, is an employee or contractor of an LEA or NPS, has signed the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit, and is proficient in English (having a complete command of pronunciation, intonation, and fluency)
  5. ELPAC TE, a secondary TE who is familiar with the student as well as the student’s individual testing needs and preferred mode of communication (for LEAs chosen to participate in second scoring), is an employee or contractor of an LEA or NPS, has signed the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit, and is proficient in English (having a complete command of pronunciation, intonation, and fluency)

For the 2024–25 Alternate ELPAC administration, new or returning LEA ELPAC coordinators and site ELPAC coordinators with access to TOMS will be required to electronically sign the ELPAC Test Security Agreement upon logging on to TOMS. In addition, any LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and TEs who have access to secure test materials, such as DFAs and picture cards. will be required to electronically sign the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit in TOMS prior to accessing test materials.

Refer to the TOMS User Roles for the ELPAC subsection of the TOMS User Guide for a description of these roles and the systems and functions available for users with each role. Refer also to the checklists of activities associated with specific user roles for a list of activities before, during, and after testing:

Summative Alternate ELPAC: Second Scoring TE

Only LEAs that are selected to participate in second scoring will require a secondary TE. An Alternate ELPAC secondary TE is an ELPAC TE who is familiar with the student and has been trained to administer the Summative Alternate ELPAC. The secondary TE must be present during the administration of the Summative Alternate ELPAC to provide an independent judgment on the student’s responses based on the scoring rubrics within the DFAs.


As with the primary TE, the secondary TE must

  1. receive training on how to administer the Summative Alternate ELPAC,
  2. be an employee or contractor of an LEA or NPS,
  3. be assigned a TOMS account with a test examiner user role, and
  4. sign the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit in TOMS.

Ideally, the secondary TE is also an educator who is familiar with the student’s individual testing needs and preferred mode of communication to accurately score the responses. It is recommended that the secondary TE is credentialed, although it is not required.


Alternate ELPAC secondary TEs are responsible for

  • electronically signing the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit in TOMS,
  • completing the AST on the CAASPP-ELPAC Moodle Training Site,
  • downloading the PFA for additional guidance on planning and preparing for administering the assessment,
  • downloading the DFA for the appropriate assessment using the [Resources] navigation tab in TOMS to access secure materials,
  • working with the LEA ELPAC coordinator or site ELPAC coordinator to confirm that a TOMS account with an ELPAC TE user role has been generated,
  • observing the student’s response to rubric-scored items at the time of testing and scoring the student’s response using the provided rubric in the DFA, and
  • entering the second scores into the online DEI.

The secondary TE will have the following two options:

  1. Enter the student’s second score directly into the DEI at the time of testing. This requires access to a user device or laptop.
  2. Use a printed score sheet, provided in appendix C of the DFA, to record second scores during the time of testing. After testing, the secondary TE must enter the student’s score into the DEI before the end of the administration testing window. Data entry could potentially be completed by a designated staff member.