Scale Score Ranges for 2024–25 Results

Overview about Scale Score Ranges

For the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), scale scores are derived from raw scores.

Raw scores (the number of test questions answered correctly) are not directly comparable from administration to administration because each raw score is based on a set of items that may differ in difficulty. Instead, student performance, for example, on the Summative ELPAC is reported in terms of scale scores that express student proficiency in terms of a constant metric. Thus, a scale score of 1350 in one language skill area in one administration represents the same level of proficiency as 1350 in the same language skill area in another administration even though each scale score may represent a different raw score.

A threshold score, or cut point, is the scale score needed for a student to reach a specified performance level. The Initial ELPAC, Initial Alternate ELPAC, Summative ELPAC, and Summative Alternate ELPAC are each separate assessments, based on separate scales; therefore, the scale scores cannot be compared between the Initial and Summative assessments. Additionally, the alternate assessments are based on alternate standards and comparing these across assessments is not advised.

LEA staff can access student ELPAC results—except for the Initial ELPAC and Initial Alternate ELPAC—in the California Educator Reporting System (CERS).

Initial ELPAC Overall Scale Score Ranges

In May 2018, the California State Board of Education (SBE) approved the State Superintendent of Public Instruction's proposed overall threshold scale score changes, beginning with the 2018–19 Initial ELPAC.


The scale score for determining the overall performance level on the Initial ELPAC for individual and group results were approved by the SBE and are as follows:

  • Kindergarten (K)—90 percent Oral Language (Listening and Speaking) and 10 percent Written Language (Reading and Writing)
  • Grade one—70 percent Oral Language (Listening and Speaking) and 30 percent Written Language (Reading and Writing)
  • Grades two through twelve—50 percent Oral Language (Listening and Speaking) and 50 percent Written Language (Reading and Writing)

Overall Scale Score Ranges

The overall scale score ranges for the Initial ELPAC are presented in table 1 below.

Table 1. Initial ELPAC Overall Score Ranges

Grade Span Novice EL Intermediate EL IFEP
K–12 150–369 370–449 450–600

Summative ELPAC Overall Scale Score Ranges

In November 2018, the SBE approved the State Superintendent of Public Instruction's proposed overall and composite threshold scale score changes, beginning with the 2018–19 Summative ELPAC.


The percentages for determining the overall performance level on the Summative ELPAC for individual and group results were approved by the SBE and are as follows:

  • Kindergarten—70 percent Oral Language (Listening and Speaking) and 30 percent Written Language (Reading and Writing)
  • Grades one through twelve—50 percent Oral Language (Listening and Speaking) and 50 percent Written Language (Reading and Writing)

Overall Scale Score Ranges

The overall scale score ranges for the Summative ELPAC are presented in table 2, below.

Table 2. Summative ELPAC Overall Scale Score Ranges

Grade Level or Grade Span Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
K 1150–1373 1374–1421 1422–1473 1474–1700
Grade One 1150–1410 1411–1454 1455–1506 1507–1700
Grade Two 1150–1423 1424–1470 1471–1531 1532–1700
Grade Three 1150–1447 1448–1487 1488–1534 1535–1800
Grade Four 1150–1458 1459–1498 1499–1548 1549–1800
Grade Five 1150–1466 1467–1513 1514–1559 1560–1800
Grade Six 1150–1474 1475–1516 1517–1566 1567–1900
Grade Seven 1150–1480 1481–1526 1527–1575 1576–1900
Grade Eight 1150–1485 1486–1533 1534–1589 1590–1900
Grades Nine and Ten 1150–1492 1493–1544 1545–1605 1606–1950
Grades Eleven and Twelve 1150–1499 1500–1554 1555–1614 1615–1950

Composite Scale Score Ranges

The Overall score on the Summative ELPAC consists of the student’s Oral Language score and Written Language score.

The Oral Language score consists of the student’s scores from the Listening and Speaking domains.

The Written Language score consists of the student’s scores from the Reading and Writing domains.

The weighting of the Oral and Written Language scores is based on the student’s grade level. Refer to tables 3 and 4 below.

Table 3. Summative ELPAC Oral Language Scale Score Ranges

Grade Level or Grade Span Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
K 1150–1385 1386–1426 1422–1477 1478–1700
Grade One 1150–1407 1408–1450 1451–1492 1493–1700
Grade Two 1150–1413 1414–1459 1460–1509 1510–1700
Grade Three 1150–1334 1435–1465 1466–1511 1512–1800
Grade Four 1150–1438 1439–1471 1472–1521 1522–1800
Grade Five 1150–1446 1474–1476 1477–1532 1533–1800
Grade Six 1150–1449 1450–1483 1484–1541 1542–1900
Grade Seven 1150–1455 1456–1497 1498–1553 1554–1900
Grade Eight 1150–1460 1461–1504 1505–1568 1569–1900
Grades Nine and Ten 1150–1464 1465–1511 1512–1578 1579–1950
Grades Eleven and Twelve 1150–1469 1470–1513 1514–1582 1583–1950

Table 4. Summative ELPAC Written Language Scale Score Ranges

Grade Level or Grade Span Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
K 1150–1345 1346–1409 1410–1462 1463–1700
Grade One 1150–1413 1414–1458 1459–1519 1520–1700
Grade Two 1150–1432 1433–1480 1481–1553 1554–1700
Grade Three 1150–1460 1461–1508 1509–1556 1557–1800
Grade Four 1150–1477 1478–1524 1525–1574 1575–1800
Grade Five 1150–1486 1487–1549 1550–1586 1587–1800
Grade Six 1150–1498 1499–1549 1550–1591 1592–1900
Grade Seven 1150–1504 1505–1555 1556–1597 1598–1900
Grade Eight 1150–1509 1510–1561 1562–1609 1610–1900
Grades Nine and Ten 1150–1519 1520–1577 1578–1631 1632–1950
Grades Eleven and Twelve 1150–1528 1529–1594 1595–1645 1646–1950

Alternate ELPAC Overall Scale Score Ranges

The Initial Alternate and Summative Alternate ELPAC overall threshold scores were approved by the SBE in May 2022. The following scale score ranges were produced based on these scores for reporting purposes.

Table 5. Initial Alternate ELPAC Overall Scale Score Ranges

Grade Span Level 1
Novice EL
Level 2
Intermediate EL
Level 3
Fluent English Proficient
K–12 101–143 144–159 160–199

Table 6. Summative Alternate ELPAC Overall Scale Score Ranges

Grade Level or Grade Span Level 1
Novice EL
Level 2
Intermediate EL
Level 3
Fluent English Proficient
K 201–243 244–259 260–299
Grade One 301–343 344–359 360–399
Grade Two 401–443 444–459 460–499
Grades Three Through Five 501–543 544–559 560–599
Grades Six Through Eight 601–643 644–659 660–699
Grades Nine and Ten 701–743 744–759 760–799
Grades Eleven and Twelve 801–843 844–859 860–899