Information About Student Score Reports

This section provides information about the SSRs for the Initial ELPAC, Initial Alternate ELPAC, Summative ELPAC, and Summative Alternate ELPAC.

Producing the Official Student Score on the Initial ELPAC

The official score for the Initial ELPAC is produced by the test contractor once the student has completed all four domains (including domain exemptions) and the LEA has entered the student’s Speaking and Writing raw scores in the Data Entry Interface (DEI) or Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS).

Individual students’ Initial ELPAC results include an overall scale score and two composite performance levels.

The overall scale score indicates which of the three performance levels the student achieved:

  • Initial fluent English proficient (IFEP)
  • Intermediate EL
  • Novice EL

The testing contractor produces the two composite performance levels: Oral Language (Speaking and Listening) and Written Language (Reading and Writing) and the three performance levels for the composite scores are

  • beginning to develop;
  • somewhat to moderately developed; and
  • well developed.


The Initial ELPAC SSR includes the following information:

  • An overall performance level and scale score
  • A performance level for each composite tested (Oral Language and Written Language)

Initial ELPAC Scale Score Ranges and Performance Level Descriptors

The scale score ranges are the same for all grade levels and grade spans (refer to the Initial ELPAC Overall Scale Score Ranges section). They are used for identifying a student’s overall performance level, with the weighting percentages used to calculate the ranges.

Overall Initial ELPAC performance level descriptors for students in K–12 are presented on the Summative ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors section.

Producing the Official Student Score on the Initial Alternate ELPAC

The official score for the Initial Alternate ELPAC is produced once the student has completed the assessment.

Individual students’ Initial Alternate ELPAC results include an overall scale score.

The overall scale score indicates which of the three performance levels the student achieved:

  • Fluent English Proficient (FEP)
  • Intermediate EL
  • Novice EL

Initial Alternate ELPAC SSR

The Initial Alternate ELPAC SSR includes an overall performance level and scale score

Initial Alternate ELPAC Scale Score Ranges and Performance Level Descriptors

The scale score ranges are the same for all grade levels and grade spans (refer to Alternate ELPAC Scale Score Ranges section). They are used for identifying a student’s overall performance level.

Overall Initial Alternate ELPAC performance level descriptors for students in grades K–12 are presented on the Summative ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors webpage.

Producing the Official Student Score on the Summative ELPAC

The official score is produced by the test contractor.

Individual student Summative ELPAC results include an overall scale score, two composite scale scores, and domain performance levels.

Overall and composite level scores indicate which of the four performance levels the student performed at:

  • Level 4—Well developed
  • Level 3—Moderately developed
  • Level 2—Somewhat developed
  • Level 1—Minimally developed

Domain performance levels are reported as:

  • well developed;
  • somewhat to moderately developed; or
  • beginning to develop.

Summative ELPAC SSR

The Summative ELPAC SSR includes the following information:

  • An overall performance level and scale score
  • A performance level and scale score for each composite tested (Oral Language and Written Language)
  • A performance level for each domain tested (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing)

Summative ELPAC Scale Score Ranges and Performance Level Descriptors

The Overall score consists of the student’s Oral Language score and Written Language score. The Oral Language score consists of the student’s scores from the Listening and Speaking domains. The Written Language score consists of the student’s scores from the Reading and Writing domains. The weighting of the Oral and Written Language scores is based on the student’s grade level. For more information, refer to the Summative ELPAC Overall Scale Score Ranges section.

Overall Summative ELPAC performance level descriptors for students in grades

K–12 are presented on the Summative ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors section.

Producing the Official Student Score on the Summative Alternate ELPAC

The official score is produced by the test contractor.

Individual student Summative Alternate ELPAC results include an overall scale score and performance level.

The overall scale score indicates which of the three performance levels the student achieved:

  • Level 3—Fluent English Proficient
  • Level 2—Intermediate EL
  • Level 1—Novice EL

Summative Alternate ELPAC SSR

The Summative Alternate ELPAC SSR includes the overall performance level and scale score.

Summative Alternate ELPAC Scale Score Ranges and Performance Level Descriptors

The scale score ranges for each of the three performance levels are identified for Overall for all grade levels tested. For more information, refer to the Summative Alternate ELPAC Scale Score Ranges section. They are also used to identify a student’s overall performance level. Overall Summative Alternate ELPAC performance level descriptors for students in grades K–12 are presented in the Initial Alternate and Summative Alternate ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors section.