ELPAC Starting Smarter Website

The ELPAC Starting Smarter website is provided in English and Spanish to help parents and guardians understand their child's ELPAC SSR and identify ways in which they can help support their child’s learning in school and at home all year long.

On this website, parents/guardians can find more information about the ELPAC, including details about their child's score reports, domain expectations, sample test questions, and links to other free resources that support learning (e.g., videos, flyers, websites, and). In addition, the website provides

  • sample SSRs for the Initial ELPAC, Summative ELPAC, Initial Alternate ELPAC, and Summative Alternate ELPAC;
  • videos on Understanding Your Child's Student Score Report;
  • information on how to interpret the reports; and
  • domain-specific and overall test performance descriptors.