Performance Level Descriptors

Initial ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors

Table 1. Initial ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors

Level Description
IFEP Students at this level have well-developed oral (Listening and Speaking) and written (Reading and Writing) skills. They can use English to learn and communicate in meaningful ways that are appropriate to different tasks, purposes, and audiences in a variety of social and academic contexts. They may need occasional linguistic support to engage in familiar social and academic contexts; they may need light support to communicate on less familiar tasks and topics. This test performance level corresponds to the upper range of the “Bridging” proficiency level as described in the 2012 California English Language Development Standards (2012 CA ELD Standards).
Intermediate EL Students at this level have somewhat to moderately developed oral (Listening and Speaking) and written (Reading and Writing) skills. This level captures a broad range of EL students, from those who can use English only to meet immediate communication needs to those who can, at times, use English to learn and communicate in meaningful ways in a range of topics and content areas. They may need some degree of linguistic support to engage in familiar social and academic contexts (depending on the student, the level of support necessary may be moderate, light, or minimal); they may require substantial to moderate support to communicate on less familiar tasks and topics. This test performance level corresponds to the entire “Expanding” proficiency level and to the lower range of the “Bridging” proficiency level as described in the 2012 CA ELD Standards.
Novice EL Students at this level have minimally developed oral (Listening and Speaking) and written (Reading and Writing) English skills. They tend to rely on learned words and phrases to communicate meaning at a basic level. They need substantial to moderate linguistic support to communicate in familiar social and academic contexts; they need substantial linguistic support to communicate on less familiar tasks and topics. This test performance level corresponds to the “Emerging” proficiency level as described in the 2012 CA ELD Standards.

Summative ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors

Table 2. Summative ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors

Level Description


Well Developed

English learners at this level have well-developed oral (Listening and Speaking) and written (Reading and Writing) skills. They can use English to learn and communicate in meaningful ways that are appropriate to different tasks, purposes, and audiences in a variety of social and academic contexts. They may need occasional linguistic support to engage in familiar social and academic contexts; they may need light support to communicate on less familiar tasks and topics. This test performance level corresponds to the upper range of the “Bridging” proficiency level as described in the 2012 CA ELD Standards.


Moderately Developed

English learners at this level have moderately developed oral (Listening and Speaking) and written (Reading and Writing) skills. They can sometimes use English to learn and communicate in meaningful ways in a range of topics and content areas. They need light to minimal linguistic support to engage in familiar social and academic contexts; they need moderate support to communicate on less familiar tasks and topics. This test performance level corresponds to the upper range of the “Expanding” proficiency level through the lower range of the “Bridging” proficiency level as described in the 2012 CA ELD Standards.


Somewhat Developed

EL students at this level have somewhat developed oral (Listening and Speaking) and written (Reading and Writing) skills. They can use English to meet immediate communication needs but often are not able to use English to learn and communicate on topics and content areas. They need moderate to light linguistic support to engage in familiar social and academic contexts; they need substantial to moderate support to communicate on less familiar tasks and topics. This test performance level corresponds to the low to middle range of the “Expanding” proficiency level as described in the 2012 CA ELD Standards.


Beginning to Develop

EL students at this level have minimally developed oral (Listening and Speaking) and written (Reading and Writing) English skills. They tend to rely on learned words and phrases to communicate meaning at a basic level. They need substantial to moderate linguistic support to communicate in familiar social and academic contexts; they need substantial linguistic support to communicate on less familiar tasks and topics. This test performance level corresponds to the “Emerging” proficiency level as described in the 2012 CA ELD Standards.

Initial Alternate and Summative Alternate ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors

Table 3. Initial Alternate and Summative Alternate ELPAC Performance Level Descriptors

Level Description
Fluent English Proficient Students at this level have sufficient English language proficiency (ELP). They may need occasional linguistic support to enable them to access adapted grade-level content in English.
Intermediate EL Students at this level have moderate ELP. They may need frequent linguistic support to enable them to access adapted grade-level content in English.
Novice EL Students at this level have minimal ELP. They need substantial linguistic support to enable them to access adapted grade-level content in English.