Receipt of the ELPAC Results by LEAs

ELPAC results are confidential, and LEAs should only share the individual results with the educators who support the student's educational progress and parents/guardians.

Individual student results are available in the LEA downloadable file in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) at the site and district levels. Results may be downloaded on the basis of current enrollment or the LEA-tested location.

Best practices on how to report results to parents/guardians is provided in the Reporting and Using Individual Results section.

Initial ELPAC Results

The Initial ELPAC results are used to identify students who need to develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English—EL students.

This information, in conjunction with other local assessments, assists LEAs and schools when providing program and service options to parents/guardians of EL students. The Initial ELPAC results also identify students who are IFEP and may only need minimal linguistic support.

Initial ELPAC Timeframe for Results

Annually, the official English Language Acquisition Status (IFEP or EL) for students who took the Initial ELPAC will feed from TOMS to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) in early July. LEAs will have the ability to print, or make available electronically, SSRs approximately 24 hours after all domains have been submitted and scored in the test delivery system, Data Entry Interface (DEI), and Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS). The SSRs will then be available in TOMS for download at the site and district levels.

Summative ELPAC Results

The Summative ELPAC results are used to determine how well EL students are progressing annually toward ELP, and to assist LEAs and schools in the ongoing process of program monitoring and evaluation until reclassification.

The Summative ELPAC results are used to meet the first of four criterion to determine whether EL students are ready to be reclassified as fluent English proficient (RFEP). Refer to Reporting and Using Individual Results section for more information.

Educator Access to Results

Educators have access to state interim and summative results reported in the California Educator Reporting System (CERS) to assist with data-driven decision-making. In addition, the reporting of summary results will be available on the Test Results for California's Assessments web page.

Summative ELPAC Timeframe for Results

Once a sufficient number of tests are completed and test materials are received by the testing contractor, the CDE and the testing contractor begin the quality control process to ensure the accuracy of the reports. This process typically begins in mid-April for grades three through twelve and early May for kindergarten through grade two.

LEAs begin to receive the individual SSRs for the Summative ELPAC approximately four weeks after the CDE and the testing contractor have completed the quality control process (generally results begin to flow in late May).

The California School Dashboard

The English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) of the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) uses the Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC results for LEA accountability and reporting EL student progress toward ELP. This information is used to assist LEAs and schools in the ongoing process of evaluating program effectiveness.

Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC results are used in ELPI of the California School Dashboard. This indicator is used to assist LEAs and schools in the ongoing process of program monitoring and evaluation. The ELPI represents the percentage of EL students who are progressing toward ELP. The 2023–24 Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC results will be incorporated in the 2024 Dashboard.

Information on the use of Summative ELPAC results in the ELPI is available in fall of each year on the California School Dashboard website.

For more information regarding the use of the ELPI, refer to the CDE English Learner Progress Indicator web page.