Alternate ELPAC Task Types

Each Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California task type includes both expressive and receptive items. Table 1 below lists the task types, their descriptions, and their correlating number of items and points.

Table 1. Alternate ELPAC Task Types

Task Type Task Description Number of Items and Points
Recognize and Use Common Words The student observes one to three photos of common nouns or objects. (If a student has a visual impairment, the test examiner gives the student real objects or manipulatives.) 2 items, 2–3 points
Communicate About Familiar Topics The student is presented with a brief story of one to three sentences about a familiar topic. A photo or illustration is included for context and support. 2 items, 2–3 points
Understand a School Exchange The student is presented with a story related to a school or classroom activity with at least two characters. 4 items, 4–5 points
Describe a Routine The student is presented with a story related to a familiar school or classroom routine. 4 items, 4–5 points
Understand and Express an Opinion The student is presented with a story that describes a situation in which two or more characters make a choice and give a reason(s) or fact(s) for the choice. 4 items, 6 points
Interact with a Literary Text The student is presented with a simple narrative on a familiar topic. 4 items, 5 points
Interact with an Informational Text The student is presented with an informational passage on a familiar or unfamiliar topic. 4 items, 5 points