ELPAC Administration for Students with Disabilities

Administrations of the initial and summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) are the responsibilities of the LEA (5 CCR sections 11518.5, 11518.15; and EC Section 313; 34 CFR section 200.6[h][1][ii]). Historically, most students with disabilities have been able to participate effectively in the Initial and Summative ELPACs with the use of universal tools, designated supports, or accommodations. For students whose disabilities preclude them from participating in the Initial ELPAC or Summative ELPAC even with accommodations, their IEP teams may recommend a domain exemption or the administration of the Initial Alternate ELPAC or the Summative Alternate ELPAC (EC Section 56385; 34 CFR section 200.6[h][4][ii]).

EL students participate in the state ELP assessment in the following ways:

  • The regular state ELP assessment without universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations.
  • The regular state ELP assessment with universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations, or domain exemptions determined by the IEP team or Section 504 team.
  • The alternate state ELP assessment, if the IEP team determines that the student is identified as having the most significant cognitive disabilities and is unable to participate in the regular ELP assessment with or without universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations and requires an alternate assessment.

For more information regarding ELs with disabilities, refer to the California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities, which can be accessed at the CDE’s English Learners with Disabilities web page.