Appendix B—Resources

Accountability—EL students

  • The Dashboard provides a more complete picture of how California schools and districts are meeting the needs of all students.
  • An extensive selection of Dashboard resources related to the California School dashboard for parents/educators and communities can be found on the CDE’s Dashboard Resources web page.

Alternate Assessment Decision Making Tool for California

Alternate Assessment IEP Team Guidance Web Page

  • Alternate Assessment IEP Team Guidance
  • Guidelines for individualized education program (IEP) teams regarding participation in the California Alternate Assessments and the Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California.

Alternate ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual

  • Provides information and instructions about test preparation and in-person administration of the Initial Alternate and Summative Alternate ELPAC. The intended users of this manual are staff who play a role in the administration of the Initial Alternate and Summative Alternate ELPAC, including LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, ELPAC TEs, and proctors, and is available Alternate ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual.

Alternate ELPAC Web Page

  • Includes information about the California’s statewide Alternate ELPAC for English language proficiency (ELP) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

Assessment Spotlight Web Page

  • Email updates sent out through the California Department of Education statewide assessments electronic mailing lists through the Assessment Spotlight.

CAASPP-ELPAC Website (New!)

CAASPP Resources

  • Information regarding California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)—California’s statewide student assessment system: CDE CAASPP web page.

California ELD Standards

  • Standards, videos, and other resources to assist local educational agencies with the design, implementation, and enhancement of English Language Development instruction for EL students: CDE ELD Standards web page.

California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities

California Educator Reporting System

  • The California Educator Reporting System (CERS) allows teachers and administrators to access their students' individual and aggregate test results from state summative and interim assessments. To access CERS, educators must use their assigned Test Operations Management System (TOMS) credentials. Access the CAASPP CERS Resources web page.

Demographic Information—EL students

  • Summary and detailed data reports for multiple subject areas at the school, district, county, and state levels: CDE DataQuest web page.

Dimensionality Study—An Investigation of Factor Structure for the Summative ELPAC

  • This report summarizes a multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) study conducted by ETS to evaluate four competing models that represent the hypothesized factor structure for the Summative ELPAC. This report can be found on the CDE website at

ELPAC Domain Exemption Decision-Making Tool

  • The ELPAC Domain Exemption Decision-Making Tool can be used by the Section 504 plan and individualized education program (IEP) teams as a resource to determine if an EL student or a potential EL student has a disability that precludes them from meaningful participation in one or more of the Initial and Summative ELPAC domains s (i.e., Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing).

ELPAC Interim Assessments

  • The ELPAC Interim Assessments (IAs) are free resources developed by the California Department of Education that can inform and support improving teaching and learning in the classroom. The intended purpose of these IAs is to evaluate a student’s English language proficiency knowledge and skills during the school year. There are individual ELPAC IAs for each of the four domains for ELPAC: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual

  • The ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual provides information and instructions about test preparation and in-person administration of the Initial and Summative ELPAC. The intended users of this manual are staff who play a role in the administration of the Initial and Summative ELPAC, including LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, ELPAC TEs, and proctors.

ELPAC Resources and Communication Materials

  • Communication materials, practice tests, test blueprints, and resources for planning for students with disabilities are located on the CDE’s ELPAC website, under the Resources and Communication Materials section.

ELPAC Web Page

  • The CDE’s ELPAC web page Includes information about the California’s statewide test for English language proficiency.

English Learner Progress Indicator Web Page

  • This web page includes information on the English Learner Progress Indicator, reported on the California School Dashboard, applies to districts and schools with students in grades 1–12.

English Learners with Disabilities

  • Information regarding support for educators’ identification, assessment, differentiation of instruction, and reclassification of English learner students can be found on the English learners with disabilities web page (Assembly Bill 2785).

Multilingual Learners Web Page

  • Information on the many programs and services to help students who do not speak, read, write or understand English well as a result of English not being their home language can be found on the Multilingual Learners web page.

Multilingual Support Division Web Page

Parent Guides to Understanding the ELPAC

  • The CDE’s Parent Guides to Understanding web page includes information flyers for parents that are written in easy-to-understand language and answer key questions about the what, why, who, how, and when for each of the California's assessment programs. Information is also included about how parents can support their student's success. The flyers are available in multiple languages.

Practice Tests

  • Downloadable practice tests are available for each grade level and grade span that provide examples of the task types for each of the four domains assessed. Practice and Training Test Resources are available on the ELPAC Practice and Training Test Resources web page.

Smarter Balanced Assessment System

Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers

  • Resources aligned with the Common Core State Standards that support the formative assessment process: Tools for Teachers website.

Special Education—Specialized Programs

  • Information and resources to serve the unique needs of persons with disabilities: CDE Special Education web page.

Specialized Programs—EL Students

  • Programs and services to help students who do not speak, read, write, or understand English well as a result of English not being their home language: CDE English Learners web page.

Starting Smarter—ELPAC

  • The ELPAC Starting Smarter website includes Sample ELPAC SSRs, test questions, and other ELPAC-related resources to help families support children’s learning.

Test Results for California’s Assessments

Title III, Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)