Item-Level Results in CERS
Item-Level Results for Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments
Interim assessments also provide information on student performance on individual items, including the student responses to test questions. The item-level view for an individual student shows the claim, target, item difficulty, standard, the maximum score, and the student’s score for the item. Teachers can use results to uncover patterns within and across individual and group responses.
Item-Level Results for CAST Interim Assessments
California Science Test (CAST) Interim Assessments also provide information on student performance on individual items, including the actual items and student responses. The item-level view for an individual student shows the item difficulty, aligned standard, depth of knowledge (DOK) level, maximum score, and student’s score for the item. Teachers can use item-level results to uncover patterns within and across individual and group responses to support teaching and students’ learning.
Item-Level Results for ELPAC Interim Assessments
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Interim Assessments also provide information on student performance on individual items, including the actual items and student responses for all items except K-2 Writing and K-12 Speaking interim assessments. The item-level view for an individual student shows the item difficulty, aligned standard, performance level descriptor (PLD), maximum score, and student’s score for the item. Teachers can use item-level results to uncover patterns within and across individual and group responses to support teaching and students’ learning.