Handling Secure Printed Materials

Using Print-on-Demand Materials

For those students whose IEP or Section 504 plan identifies the non-embedded print-on-demand designated support for paper copies of passages or items or for students who are assigned color contrast as a designated support with the print-on-demand accessibility resource, the LEA ELPAC coordinator must assign this resource for each student in TOMS. This resource is provided at the test-site level and is coordinated and delivered by an Alternate ELPAC TE.

Note the following about the non-embedded print-on-demand designated support:

  • Identification of the print-on-demand non-embedded designated support must be made on an individual student basis and documented in the student’s current IEP or Section 504 plan.
  • A very small percentage of students should require this designated support.
  • The use of this designated support may result in the student needing additional time to complete the assessment.

Once a student is approved and assigned to receive the printing of test items or passages for the Alternate ELPAC, the TE may send a print request from the student interface to the TE’s device during testing by selecting the [Print] icon on the screen. This request needs to be made for each individual item.

A TE should follow these guidelines when using the print-on-demand designated support:

  1. A TE approves and processes individual student print requests during test administration.
  2. Because content is printed individually for each test item, using the print-on-demand functionality does not allow a printed version of the computer-based assessment to be created prior to testing.
  3. Before the TE requests to print a test item or passage, the TE must ensure that the printer is on and is monitored by staff who have been trained and have signed the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit.
  4. Immediately after printing a print-on-demand request, the file should be securely deleted from the TE’s device in such a way that the file does not remain in temporary storage where it can be undeleted. Refer to the Destroying Electronic Files subsection for additional instructions.
  5. The TE must collect the previously printed item from the student after the next item’s print request or, if no request was made, after administering the next item.
  6. Printed items must be securely stored and then securely destroyed after the test session. Do not keep printed test items or passages for future test sessions.

Refer to the Approving Print Requests subsection for more information on print-on-demand.

Destroying Secure Printed Materials

All test materials must remain secure at all times.

DFAs and picture cards that were printed for TEs after being downloaded from the password-protected TOMS must be kept in a securely locked room or locked cabinet when not in use. Printed DFAs, test items or passages, picture cards, and scratch paper must be collected and inventoried at the end of each test session and then securely destroyed immediately according to LEA and ELPAC policies or procedures from all sources.

Securely Destroying Scratch Paper

Students may use scratch paper to make notes or to write or draw a response to a CR item. Note the following about handling scratch paper securely:

  1. Collect and inventory the scratch paper at the end of each test session, as well as upon completion of the assessment.
  2. Do not keep printed test items or passages or scratch paper for future test sessions.

Destroying Electronic Files

Immediately after printing the assessment, or after making a printed copy of a DFA or picture cards, the file produced by the process must be securely deleted from the location on which it was stored. Users should confirm that the file is removed from all places on the device, including a Downloaded folder and any cloud storage.

All files must be deleted in such a way that the file does not remain in a temporary storage location, such as Windows’ Recycle Bin, where it can be undeleted. TEs and site ELPAC coordinators should use the school’s or LEA’s preferred method of secure file deletion.

While there are many ways to permanently delete a file, including using a “shredding” tool that might be part of a virus scanning tool, what follows are basic ways to remove a file from a Windows or Macintosh system:

  • Windows—Hold the [Shift] key when deleting the file or empty the Recycle Bin after deleting.
  • Macintosh and Macintosh equivalent devices using macOS—Press the [Command] + [Delete] keys with any file or folder selected to send a file to the Trash and then press the [Shift] + [Command] + [Delete] keys or open the Finder menu and then select Secure Empty Trash to immediately empty the Trash.