
This Alternate ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual provides information and instructions about test preparation and in-person administration of the computer-based Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC. The intended users of this manual are staff who play a role in the administration of the Alternate ELPAC, including LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, ELPAC TEs, and proctors.

Throughout this manual, the use of “Alternate ELPAC” signifies both the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC. In sections limited to either the Initial Alternate ELPAC or Summative Alternate ELPAC, the full assessment name is used.

For specific questions not addressed in this manual, TEs can contact their site ELPAC coordinator; site ELPAC coordinators can contact their LEA ELPAC coordinator; and LEA ELPAC coordinators can contact their LEA Success Agent.

When administering the Alternate ELPAC, follow the instructions and criteria laid out in this manual.

The CDE ELPSA office is available for assistance with questions related to ELPAC program policy requirements. For ELPAC policy questions, the LEA ELPAC coordinator should contact the CDE ELPSA office by email at elpac@cde.ca.gov.